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Об опасности озона
организация по запрещению химического оружия
организация по запрещению химического оружия

Источник организация по запрещению химического оружия.

Об опасности озона

Беседа физика-эколога С.Н.Котельникова с ведущей передачи «Народный Адвокат» И.Ю.Чепурной, посвященная ОПАСНОСТИ ОЗОНА(Фильм студии православных фильмов http://www.pravfilm.nxt.ru/)
Передача посвящена проблемам тропосферного (приземленного) озона. В беседе известный физик-эколог С.Н.Котельников раскрывает всю степень опасности этого газа для живых существ и растений, с которыми он взаимодействует.

В средствах массовой «Дезинформации» часто упоминается, что после грозы пахнет озоном. Многие считают, что чем больше озона в воздухе -- тем полезнее для здоровья, и дышать нужно при этом глубже. Между тем многолетние измерения показывают, что после грозы и ливня в приземной атмосфере озон исчезает.

Стереотипы мышления зачастую помогают человеку в современной жизни, однако, не смотря на верность большинства из них, существуют и такие, которые укрепляясь в сознании, при отсутствии нужных знаний, способны серьезно навредить человеку. Одним из таких стереотипов является ложное представление о свойствах Озона.

В таблице классификации веществ по степени опасности озону присвоен высший класс опасности -- первый (у известного всем хлора второй). Озон является опаснейшим загрязнителем и при высокой концентрации уничтожает всё живое и неживое. Он является почти идеальным боевым отравляющим веществом и, видимо, только по причине технических трудностей его получения не оказался первым в истории применения химического оружия в Первую мировую войну.

Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) отнесла озон к веществам беспорогового действия, т.е. любые концентрации этого газа в воздухе опасны для здоровья человека -- он сильнейший канцероген.

Особо стоит отметить, о появлении на российском рыке огромного количества всевозможных «очистителей» воздуха. Очистители практически всех марок исследуемых в институте оказались мощными генераторами озона. Вырабатывают озон копировальные аппараты и лазерные принтеры. Поэтому при работе в помещении с такими приборами необходимо соблюдать технику безопасности и понимать всю степень опасности контакта с выделяемым отравляющим газом.

Exposing the Secrets of the CIA: Agents, Experiments, Service, Missions, Operations, Weapons, Army



Victor L. Marchetti, Jr. (born December 23, 1929) is a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and a prominent paleoconservative critic of the United States Intelligence Community and the Israel lobby in the United States.

While serving as an active-duty American soldier, Marchetti was recruited into the intelligence agencies in 1952 during the Cold War to engage in espionage against East Germany. Marchetti joined the Central Intelligence Agency in 1955, working as a specialist on the USSR. He was a leading CIA expert on Third World aid, with a focus on USSR military supplies to Cuba after the end of the Kennedy administration.

In 1966 Marchetti was promoted to the office of special assistant to the Chief of Planning, Programming, and Budgeting, and a special assistant to CIA Director Richard Helms. Within three years Marchetti became disillusioned with the policies and practices of the CIA, and resigned in 1969, writing an exposГ© of the CIA in a book published in 1971 entitled The Rope Dancer.

Later Marchetti published books critical of the CIA with author John D. Marks. The books included, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence (1973). Before this book was published, the CIA demanded that Marchetti remove 399 passages, but Marchetti stood firm and only 168 passages were censored. It is the first book the federal government of the United States ever went to court to censor before its publication. The publisher (Alfred A. Knopf) chose to publish the book with blanks for censored passages and with boldface type for passages that were challenged but later uncensored. The publication of this book was one of the events that led to the establishment of the Church Committee by Frank Church.

In 1976 Marchetti published Foreign and Military Intelligence and in 1978 he published an article about the JFK assassination in the far-right newspaper of the Liberty Lobby, The Spotlight. Marchetti, a proponent of the organized crime and the CIA conspiracy theory, claimed that the House Select Committee on Assassinations revealed a CIA memo from 1966 that named E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis and Gerry Patrick Hemming in the JFK assassination. Marchetti also claimed that Marita Lorenz offered sworn testimony to confirm this.

In 1981, sued the Liberty Lobby and Marchetti for defamation and won $650,000 in damages. Liberty Lobby appealed the case with lawyer, Mark Lane. Marchetti, Liberty Lobby and Lane won the appeal in 1995. Lane wrote a book, Plausible Denial, to describe the unfolding of that historic trial.

In 1989, Marchetti presented a paper entitled Propaganda and Disinformation: How the CIA Manufactures History at the Ninth International Revisionist Conference, held by the Institute for Historical Review, in which he wrote: The real reason for the official secrecy, in most instances, is not to keep the opposition (the CIA's euphemistic term for the enemy) from knowing what is going on; the enemy usually does know. The basic reason for governmental secrecy is to keep you, the American public, from knowing -- for you, too, are considered the opposition, or enemy -- so that you cannot interfere. When the public does not know what the government or the CIA is doing, it cannot voice its approval or disapproval of their actions. In fact, they can even lie to your about what they are doing or have done, and you will not know it. As for the second advantage, despite frequent suggestion that the CIA is a rogue elephant, the truth is that the agency functions at the direction of and in response to the office of the president. All of its major clandestine operations are carried out with the direct approval of or on direct orders from the White House. The CIA is a secret tool of the president -- every president. And every president since Truman has lied to the American people in order to protect the agency. When lies have failed, it has been the duty of the CIA to take the blame for the president, thus protecting him. This is known in the business as plausible denial. The CIA, functioning as a secret instrument of the U.S. government and the presidency, has long misused and abused history and continues to do so. — Victor Marchetti, Propaganda and Disinformation: How the CIA Manufactures History


Oppose Bacteriological Warfare: Biological Warfare During the Korean War (1952)

http://thefilmarchive.org/ DVD: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002RT7TA6/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=d...

During the 1948 Israel War of Independence, International Red Cross reports raised suspicion that the Jewish Haganah militia had released Salmonella typhi bacteria into the water supply for the city of Acre, causing an outbreak of typhoid among the inhabitants. Egyptian troops later claimed to have captured disguised Haganah soldiers near wells in Gaza, whom they executed for allegedly attempting another attack. Israel denies these allegations.

During the Cold War, US conscientious objectors were used as consenting test subjects for biological agents in a program known as Operation Whitecoat. There were also many unpublicized tests carried out on the public during the Cold War.

Considerable research on the topic was performed by the United States (see US Biological Weapon Testing), the Soviet Union, and probably other major nations throughout the Cold War era, though it is generally believed that biological weapons were never used after World War II. This view was challenged by China and North Korea, who accused the United States of germ warfare in the Korean War (1950--1953).

Cuba has also accused the United States of spreading human and animal disease on their island nation.

At the time of the Korean War the United States had only weaponized one agent, brucellosis (Agent US), which is caused by Brucella suis. The original weaponized form used the M114 bursting bomblet in M33 cluster bombs.

While the specific form of the biological bomb was classified until some years after the Korean War, in the various exhibits of biological weapons that Korea alleged were dropped on their country nothing resembled an M114 bomblet. There were ceramic containers that had some similarity to Japanese weapons used against the Chinese in World War II, developed by Unit 731.

Some of the Unit 731 personnel were imprisoned by the Soviets, and would have been a potential source of information on Japanese weaponization. The head of Unit 731, Lieutenant General Shiro Ishii, was granted immunity from war crimes prosecution in exchange for providing information to the United States on the Unit's activities.

The Korean War allegations also stressed the use of disease vectors, such as fleas, which, again, were probably a legacy of Japanese biological warfare efforts. The United States initiated its weaponization efforts with disease vectors in 1953, focused on Plague-fleas, EEE-mosquitoes, and yellow fever - mosquitoes (OJ-AP). However, US medical scientists in occupied Japan undertook extensive research on insect vectors, with the assistance of former Unit 731 staff, as early as 1946.

The United States Air Force was not satisfied with the operational qualities of the M114/US and labeled it an interim item until the United States Army Chemical Corps could deliver a superior weapon. The Air Force also changed its plans and wanted lethal biologicals.

The Chemical Corps then initiated a crash program to weaponize anthrax (N) in the E61 1/2-lb hour-glass bomblet. Though the program was successful in meeting its development goals, the lack of validation on the infectivity of anthrax stalled standardization.

Around 1950 the Chemical Corps also initiated a program to weaponize tularemia (UL). Shortly after the E61/N failed to make standardization, tularemia was standardized in the 3.4 M143 bursting spherical bomblet. This was intended for delivery by the MGM-29 Sergeant missile warhead and could produce 50% infection over a 7-square-mile (18 km2) area.

Unlike anthrax, tularemia had a demonstrated infectivity with human volunteers (Operation Whitecoat). Furthermore, although tularemia is treatable by antibiotics, treatment does not shorten the course of the disease.

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: Adrew (03.12.2012)
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